Friday, November 11, 2011

It's finally here...11-11-11!!

I'm getting super excited for 11-11-11, it's going to be such a fun day! Hehe :) I can't wait until the highlighter party that is going to be epic. I'm not really one to wish at 11:11 on a regular basis (even though Gina always makes me), but it'll still be fun to make a wish at 11:11 on 11-11-11. Maybe this time my wishes will come true! :)

Just wanted to share some of the great things I've been finding on Pinterest. It has seriously inspired me in my cooking, I have to tell myself not to make all the desserts at once because I won't be able to work it all off. :) Not to mention all of the really cute do-it-yourself projects on there. I've done a couple already but I have a huge list of them I really need to get on. Also loving the fashion that is on there, I think I have discovered four or five new online stores (which is not good for my bank account!! haha).

If you have time this weekend, you should definitely read this article! In the midst of all the young Americans trying to find jobs, I think this adds some humor to the truth and maybe even lets us in on some underlying truth...

This weekend, I have a huge post coming up on fitness and all of my different inspirations for workouts, healthy eating, etc. Also some things that inspired me to get off of by butt and running! :)

1. Great day outfit with the oversized shirt. (recreate with Zara shirt and Lulu pants)
2. Super chic, loving that red. (Zara pants and shirt)
3. Perfect jet-setting outfit. (BDG jeans, Zara blazer, Banana Republic handbag)
4. Fun day-to-night outfit! (same Zara blazer as above, Forever XXI shirt, Delia's skirt)

1. Caprese salad- it is SO cute this way!
2. A fun and yummy way to eat avocado!
3. Cilantro Lime Shrimp- great with sauteed peppers!
4. 33 different types of cupcakes- I don't even like cupcakes but these looks delicious! Especially the lemon meringue cupcakes.

1. How to fix shorts that are too short
2. Something fun to do during the year.
3. A way to ensure that your zipper never falls. :)

I love the inspirational quotes that I find on Pinterest, too, along with the funny images. So happy Friday, hope these make you smile. :)

[all images via Pinterest]

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